I could hear the soft scratching of a pencil on the sketchpad so I tiptoed into the studio wearing my new pink stilettos and as soon as I opened the door I heard a pretty feminine voice yell out. "Not now I am all tied up." Whoa... I guess more than one model was all tied up with this artist. Those curvy figures will make any voluptuous connoisseur take notice. Ropes and bondage from every doorway, and a wiggle here and there with perky firm nipples flashed before my eyes. Yes those luscious nipples were stimulated to monopolize a few of the pictures. I stood there waiting with baited breath to see more, and so will you. There is a touch of retro in the art, which even makes it more naughty and delightful. I guess they might have done the same thing back then, and it sure is sexy. Come in and look if you like, soft curves and perky nipples will greet you.
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